81st General Convention, Monday the 24th
Today was another busy day at the 81st General Convention in Louisville, KY. Here are the highlights.
In the morning, the Joint Budget Committee of the Executive Council presented to a joint session of both houses the proposed churchwide budget for 2025-2027 and answered questions. Our very own Tim Gee (Photo by: Diana Trapani) was one of the Executive Council presenters. The budget format has changed and there were many questions. You can review the proposed budget HERE. The Budget Committee will meet again in September to consider how best to reconcile the budget with funding requests passed by General Convention, so the final budget will be different.
Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves joined Bishop Lucinda and the ECR Deputation for the joint session.
The Official Youth Presence visited the House of Bishops and shared their hopes for the future of The Episcopal Church.
Photo by: Randall Gornowich
After lunch the legislative sessions filled the afternoon for both houses.
House of Deputies Legislative Journal Day 2
House of Bishops Legislative Journal Day 2
Tuesday's schedule promises to be just as busy:
- 9-10 a.m. ET: Morning Prayer (livestreamed from House of Deputies), ballroom of the Kentucky International Convention Center (worship bulletin).
- 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. ET: Joint session in the House of Deputies featuring presentation of presiding bishop nominees.
- 2-6 p.m. ET: Legislative sessions in both houses, including the election of president in the House of Deputies
On the GC81 Media Hub site, click on the links beneath the House of Bishops, House of Deputies, and “Love. Always” boxes to watch recordings of the worship services and legislative sessions.