81st General Convention, Thursday the 27th
Another busy day, and another evening session. Here are the highlights:
Work continued in both houses throughout the day and included adoption of the proposed 2025-2027 churchwide budget.
The House of Deputies elected the Rev. Steve Pankey of the Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky as its vice president.
In the early afternoon, Deputy the Rev. Ale Trillos joined Bishops United Against Gun Violence as they walked to nearby Jefferson Square Park for its fourth General Convention Witness Against Gun Violence. Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe offered remarks, as well as participants in Youth Working to End Gun Violence.
The House of Deputies also concurred on several resolutions that had been passed by the House of Bishops.
A188 Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Philadelphia Eleven honored the first 11 women who bucked tradition and sought priestly ordination in The Episcopal Church. There are two screenings of the documentary about these women in our diocese next month. One at St Barnabas', Arroyo Grande and another at St. Jude's, Cupertino.
C032 (A Prayer to Remember the Innocents) introduced a prayer to remember the Indigenous children who were forcibly taken to boarding and residential schools in the 1800s and 1900s. The prayer will be used in liturgies throughout the Episcopal Church. This resolution directs the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, in consultation with Indigenous communities in the Episcopal Church, to determine an appropriate date on the Church Calendar as the annual remembrance of these Indigenous children. The photo above is a book mark with the text of the prayer. Photo credit: Deputy Laura Learned
Ohiŋni wičhauŋkiksuyapi kte. "We will always remember them."
Dear Lord, Almighty God, we pray for all Indigenous children who were in residential and boarding schools in Canada and the United States. Some died there; we ask that you give assurance to their descendants that their souls are with you and their ancestors. Some survived there; we ask that you give your healing grace to all who endured hardship while there and are still struggling with those memories. Lastly, we ask you to help us guard our children against harm in this world. All this we ask in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.
To see what other legislative activity took place, please click on the buttons below
House of Deputies Legislative Journal Day 5
House of Bishops Legislative Journal Day 6
On the GC81 Media Hub site, click on the links beneath the House of Bishops, House of Deputies, and “Love. Always” boxes to watch recordings of the worship services and legislative sessions.