How to elect a new Presiding Bishop
There's a lot that goes ito electing a new Presiding Bishop.
Presiding bishop election process
- After Wednesday’s Eucharist, bishops will gather at Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral to elect a presiding bishop in executive session.
- Once there is an election, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry sends a delegation to report the result to the House of Deputies president.
- The president refers the name to the House of Deputies legislative committee on the Confirmation of the Election of the Presiding Bishop without announcing the name to the whole house.
- The committee will then meet to adopt a report and resolution to present to the House of Deputies on whether to confirm the choice of the House of Bishops.
- The House of Deputies will receive the report and vote on the recommendation.
- At the conclusion of that vote, the president of the House of Deputies will appoint a delegation from the House of Deputies to notify the House of Bishops of the action taken.
- The bishops remain in the cathedral and must refrain from any outside communication throughout the election and until the confirmation is received.
- Once the House of Bishops receives the confirmation, the presiding bishop-elect, at the invitation of the House of Deputies, is then presented to the House of Deputies, along with family members, and may address the house.
- A press conference with the presiding bishop-elect and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will be hosted by the Office of Public Affairs following election and confirmation. Watch the press conference online.