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Event Series Event Series: 2025 Clergy Retreat

2025 Clergy Retreat – Priests and Deacons

March 14

Registration for Priests | Registration for Deacons

“Always we begin again”: Connecting, Resting, Praying, and Exploring with St. Benedict

St. Benedict’s Rule has been a touchstone for centuries for people drawn to the vocation of vowed life in community. Within those communities the rhythms of prayer, rest, work, and study have provided a foundation for a physical, emotional and spiritual life that, through these very rhythms, is forever turning toward Christ. Drawing on some of Benedict’s insights, come and learn, rest, explore, and pray together. The hope will be to have time to build relationships among those gathered, to explore where we are as individuals and as a group (using words and other methods of expression), to keep a schedule that allows us to rest, and to get clearer about those things that support us and our lives in Christ going forward.

About our speaker:

The Most Rev. Melissa Skelton has served as Bishop Provisional for The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia in the Episcopal Church and Archbishop of the Diocese of New Westminster and Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of BC and Yukon in the Anglican Church of Canada. Prior to this, she was Rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Seattle, WA and Canon for Congregational Development in the Diocese of Olympia. While in her diocesan role in Olympia, she founded and created The College for Congregational Development (known as the School for Parish Development in Canada). She previously was head of staff at General Theological Seminary, Vice President at the Tom’s of Maine company, and Brand Manager at Procter & Gamble. In all her various roles and jobs, the ones she has loved the most are the ones in which either individually or in a team she has been a part of creating something new or breathing new life into something in need of rejuvenation. Melissa currently lives in Seattle WA, teaches at Vancouver School of Theology and is learning the art of letterpress and block carving. Her first art opening showcasing these (beginner) skills was in Vancouver BC in January 2025. She is married to The Rev. Eric Stroo, a deacon in the Episcopal Church and mental health counselor, and is mother to son Evan, stepmother to Sara and Hans, and grandmother to five grandchildren.


March 14


St. Clare’s Retreat Center
St. Clare's Retreat Center, 2381 Laurel Glen Rd
Soquel, CA 95073 United States
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