Grant Application for 2025

Grant applications for 2025 are no longer being accepted. If you have any questions, please contact Maria Navarrete at [email protected]

Grants can have five different areas of focus.

General Purpose:

“To provide for needs within the Diocese that cannot/are not funded in the annual budget, such as: diocesan/committee support, parish support, and emergency needs within the diocese.”

Education/Training ($100-$1,000/person, $500-$10,000/event):

“Provide education, formation, and enrichment for clergy, laity, and staff to meet the goals and objectives of the Diocese, such as: scholarships and. support for diocesan training and events.”

Mission Ministries ($5,000- $150,000)

“To provide for development, growth, expansion, explorations and innovation within the Diocese and the world at large, such as: growth initiatives, innovative ministries and marketing, community needs and campus ministries.” NOTE: This grant application will also have an additional application process.

Outreach ($100- $30,000):

“Provide for needs/grants within or outside the Diocese not covered by other ministries, such as: jail and prison ministries, social justice initiatives, support for indigenous cultures, partnerships in the Anglican Communion, service projects, Millennium Development Goals, Five Marks of Mission.”

Property ($1,000-$15,000):

“Provide support for physical buildings and land, such as: diocesan properties, capital needs for parish properties.”