
Back Row: The Rev. Katherine B. Doar, Diana Deen, Paul Mallatt, Karen Hoida, The Rev. Susan Arnold, The Right Rev. James Mathes
Front Row: Joanie Cahill, The Rev. Margaret Grayden, Gigi Miller, The Very Rev. Kathy Lawler
Photo by Maria Ramirez

Five West Coast Collaborative deacon students hailing from San Diego to Northern California traveled to St. Luke’s, Woodland, for a weekend of in-person learning in August. Since February, this cohort has been meeting on Zoom three out of four Thursday evenings each month. But there are still parts of their learning, like setting the table for Holy Eucharist, that need face-to-face teaching and practice.

This retreat marks the midpoint of their first of two years of study and preparation. This is a very practical program–students engage directly with the congregations and community resources in their local context all month long. Still, it was special to be with each other. “Even for the deans and mentors, this was the first time we’ve met each other face to face after over a year of working together on Zoom, says ECR Dean Katherine Doar.

The students were overjoyed to spend these three days deepening their connection as a cohort and reflecting together on their spiritual and practical growth toward ordination as Deacons.