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Our Bishop

Meet Bishop Lucinda and see her latest messages to the diocese.

Storied Pilgrimage With Race

You are Invited

This series is a holy offering of video interviews, education materials, action items, and room for reflection.

Ministerios Latinos


Esta sección es para los que buscan recursos disponibles en español. Se aumentarán los recursos a menudo, cuando estén traducidos.

General Convention

The 81st General Convention will take place June 23 – 28, 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky at the Kentucky International Convention Center.

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Upcoming Events

Philadelphia Eleven Screening at St. Jude's, Cupertino

Sunday, Jul 28, 2024, 1:00 PM
The Diocese of El Camino Real is pleased to be offering a screening in each deanery of the documentary “The Philadelphia Eleven,” about the first women ordained as priests in the Episcopal Church, 50 years ago. From the website: In an ac...

The Psychology of Christian Nationalism

Tuesday, Sep 03, 2024, 5:30 PM
Have you wondered how people get drawn to Christian Nationalism or how to engage with someone who supports that view? The ECR Social Justice Committee offers answers in an exciting online webinar with the Rev. Pamela Cooper-White. Pamela is the a...

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Real Episcopal Magazine Summer 2024

In this issue: A Message from Bishop Lucinda Spring Renewal 2024 Thank You Donors! The Bishop's Appeal Santa Maria Urban Ministry Celebrates 40 Years The West Coast Collaborative Calvary, Santa Cruz - Benefiting their ...
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81st General Convention, Friday the 28th

The 81st General Convention closed today in Louisville, Kentucky. According to President Ayala Harris of the House of Deputies, the Deputies had improved their proper pronunciation of the city as somewhere between Luhvul and Looavul . Please k...
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81st General Convention, Thursday the 27th

Another busy day, and another evening session. Here are the highlights: Work continued in both houses throughout the day and included adoption of the proposed 2025-2027 churchwide budget . The House of Deputies elected the Rev. Steve Panke...
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81st General Convention, Wednesday the 26th

Yesterday was a hard day to top, but the fourth day of General Convention managed it! Today the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies elected the 28th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. The House of Bishops met at Christ Church Cat...
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Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe elected 28th Presiding Bishop, will begin nine-year term Nov. 1

Photo by Deputy the Rev. Ale Trillos: the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop Elect Sean Rowe, the Most Rev. Michael Curry By David Paulsen Episcopal News Service – Louisville, Kentucky The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, ...
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